Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Is food worth more than money?

    In fact due to the real fact that about a month agao I was reading an article that explained that we are now consuming more food then what is being produced. WHAT????   More food being eaten then being made? yes its true . According to the latest statistics we are in a real situation .Does that mean that food should be jack up in price. Now think about this just for a moment. if we continue to go on eating like we are kings"the western world". The rest of the world starves.
    This is no secret people have been starving for ever due to limited resources but when the ratio of production is not keeping up with the ratio of food eaten every day we have a problem. And like a balloon there is only so much air a balloon can take before it pops. We have to slooooow down on our self indulgence to avoid rations . If you dont believe me .think about it on a smaller scale . take this in to consideration .lets say your house hold is 50 miles from a store and your driving a motor cycle and you have to get grocery's for the family and in your family there are 3. You can only bring your family back a small amount of food . Now lets say that store closes and the closest store is now 100 miles away and a gas station for you to fuel up is 40 miles away . You have just increased your grocery bill by 3 times its average because you have to fill up you motorcycle on the way and then when you get to the gas station you have to fill up to get the rest of the way. On the way back you have to fill up just to get home and back to that store again just for grocery's.
     So if this is in the same ballpark as a shortage in food which do you think will come first a shortage of food or an increase to slow you down from eating so dam much .I will let you answer that one .So we have to be conscience now not later or later will hop on the train and leave us to fin for our selves . Now 'll bet your thinking "well I could just eat fish there's plenty of that". the truth of that is you are right now limited on certain fish that you can catch unless you have a commercial fisherman's license . My brother was in his boat about 3 weeks ago and was only allowed 3 fish , I think they were red snapper ? I'm not sure but they are cracking down in the water right now .do you really think they want the humans consuming the earth .The masses will be destroyed before they destroy the earth . The great cycle of life, you have to be aware of your situation and humbly enter into a plea for rations now so its easier on our grandchildren.

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