Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Our US bail out and it does not look good .

   This is a map of the money that the Federal Reserve has given in bail out money. When you think of companies like GM motors or  AIG that get tons of money to quote save the American  financial world. AIG alone has been bailed out of more than $200 Billion ! 200 billion dollars is more money then any single one of us can begin to grasp this is the reason why we are in financial ruins . Now I realize that AIG holds lots of peoples mortgages but how did we get into this situation to begin with .I think some of us know but for those who do not, its due to reducing the APR percentage years ago so everyone was able to buy a home that really could not afford that home to begin with ,and with the ability to just pay interest on your home people are living the credit lifestyle.

    This is poor judgement on everyone's behalf you cant really blame the government , i have always said "what one can one will" and if someone comes to you and says ill give you what you want and if you run in to financial trouble then you can just pay me the interest each month until you get back on track. The truth is getting back on track means loose everything and start over .I do not believe in credit cards although i know they exist i will not get one because the credit card company actually is loaning you money to buy something and it turns into a state where as long as you keep up on your lowest payment each month then another company will send you another card and so on. Eventually everything you have belongs to someone else. As long as you have the luxury of using things or have access to the stuff they loan your happy.
    This is what caused our massive bailout .It was an irresponsible act on the consumer and the government. We all should have been smarter and there is no one single place to point your finger .like the old saying goes when you point your finger 3 fingers are pointing back at you. "What one can one will", the pure state of boredom causes us to want more cause we get used to the things we have and we want more and more, so people that are addicted to drugs  are not as addicted as a person with 30 credit cards . Who do you think is really in more trouble in the long run. So when  the economy drops and we cant live like we are used to because of job loss stress sets in as if we did not have enough already . This is a system that has created its own destruction ,and we only have ourselves to blame.
     When all the "cash that is no longer in your hands is in the hands of people that loaned you money or as we call it "credit" we want a bail out and the only way for the country to survive is for the fed. to print dollar bills witch depreciates our value of our currency . You have people that work hard to not loan and borrow and to keep the value of what they have at it's highest and we are even being affected cause along with bailouts, job loss comes, financial gain is dumped into the CEO's of America and you suffer for it by loosing your job .Don't blame them they earned it ,or did they you hear storys of conspiracy that Ceo's get a big bonus after the bailout . News flash these Ceo's were getting bonuses long before the bailouts . Does it make it right? "No" but if we had not been so greedy to want, want, want, without the money to buy  then we would not be in the mess we are in. It's like giving a kid some candy and telling them "you will owe me later for the candy" a child will agree to this over and over and over .

    This is our economy and it will take a collapse to rebuild, sad but true. We will have to go back to the way it was thousands of years ago where if you dont have the money for something your just not going to get it , I am happy that the restrictions came and the banks quit loaning and tightened their belts and said no more this made us all acountable for what we have done. Now we spend less we do less we have not the luxury of the past because we could not be trusted with what was given . We must wake up from this financial struggle or the next generation will think its normal to be poor.

    We all know the middle class is fading and until we become aware of our actions there is simply nothing that can be done besides to self destruct. Lets find ways to conserve and get back to hanging on to a few dollars and not live above our means, cause really at the end of the day what do we care about most? Our Family and friends. Another interesting fact is the teenage girls of today see that a few women on television look beautiful  so they want to be just like that and they will stop at nothing to achieve beauty , ladies you got to come off the horse and look in the mirror and say is it really worth giving away everything so that I may look good ,women  spend their mortgage money on Botox because they believe that beauty is found on the out side , it's what society has led them to believe . An average woman can spend a few thousand dollars and look like she just stepped off the catwalk, it's amazing that these thoughts can't be reversed .

    Just protect your children and do not let them make the same mistakes we have , now is the time to get real and become conscience about future spending or there will be nothing to buy because there will be none to buy those things if we keep getting bailed out because none will be making the stuff we buy furthermore none will have the luxury of affording gas or those 100 dollar dinner dates . We have to fix it now or an implosion will occur. Myself I feel the worst has yet to come we have reached the pinnacle in our society and we must fall to rebuild and be reminded of how easy we let ourselves and our economy go.
    There is hope , if we have a global awareness and start to become the people that our four fathers set out for us but good luck as long as MTV and Kim Kardashian continue to show you how nice it is to be rich. I have a question what will all the rich people do with there money, will they build a big silo and pour their money in it and swim around in it ,whats the point lets be equal it feels better to be equal then above everyone ,cause its lonely at the top just ask Jay Z what is the point .

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