Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Follow the money ?

       According to the Federal Reserve, money market fund holdings of households has declined by about $380 billion since the end of 2008. (According to AMG, all money market mutual funds—institutional and retail—have posted net outflows of about $1 trillion over that time.) When we see big flows like that, we scratch our heads and ask what’s going on.

     In my mind its simple the money is going overseas,the money is going to the international bankers and there is nothing we can do. But is there? the USA began as a country based on value and fair trade, now we just simply go with the flow . but 1 day the American people are going to wake up from the dream they have been living and realize Dorthy is not in Kansas any more.

    If you feel like i do you are a typical American who feels like we made this country and this is our home ,you know how people say you made your bed now you must sleep in it ,so very true our credit cards that give us a sense of hope are nothing more than a way for you to feel like you are part of the system. You are in the Matrix and as the movie only a few are in control.

   You have to realize you can not blame the few who are in control because the American people handed the bankers everything . That's right you! we handed them all our worth and they were the smart ones and knew and still to this day know what to do with that money but do you? if you feel like I do then you feel like using what ever money you have and buying gold with it but that's inflated too so where do we find a happy medium .we stop spending with the big companies and start spending with the smaller companies,buy American made toys for your kids .If you want to go out make sure to stay away from the bigger restaurants and turn to the mom and pop stores and slowly you will see your dollar become more valuable.



  1. Congress Gives IMF Your Tax Dollars to Bailout Greece

    Posted by Doug Eberhardt on Oct 26, 2011 in Economy | Comments Off

    This was an article I wrote about Greece and how they exactly are being bailed out by the IMF/U.S. taxpayer. Back then, the debt in the U.S. was just over $12 trillion. Today, the debt in the U.S. is approaching $15 trillion. Greece is now in the process of writing down their debt by 50% by the beginning of 2012. And now because of this perception that Greece has somehow solved its problems (and of course no consideration for the remaining PIIGS and their debt issues), the Euro is now above 1.40 and the dollar has fallen to just over 75 on the index.

    Well here is my theory ,the dollar will continue to rise but its worth will drop and you ask how is this possible well i'll tell you how it is possible. When someone like the fed guy ??? you know his name can print money out of thin air to bail out Greece and not tell you that means your dollar is weaker than it really is???? Surprised you shouldn't be about 50% of you caused this by listening to your I pods rather than your mother when she said do your home work ,
    Our next generation is in for it ,and the very few that keep to the value instilled in only a few will one day rule this world.

  2. The debt was at 14 trillion like years ago. You need to do some more deep research and update your current events . This country has been broke for many years now. You must realize that with the finances in the world we are much more in debt than you may realize and that the information is on the internet .Just remember that long but interesting word called "inflation".
    Search for it, its there and not to come in conflict but The dollar bill is not the only current debt we have , anytime you loose fair trade you loose even the dollar expenditure. As long as we allow the bail outs we will never really know exactly where we are in debt. I do believe that every child is born with a $16,000.00 dollar debt if you put it in terms of every family has the money to pay that the moment that the child is born.
    If we are speaking clearly and clearly we will not know the exact amount but we can search to do our best. How many families borrow money from credit card companies, how many families live in houses they are about to walk away from, how much longer is the American public going to indulge there senses and keep digging themselves in debt. Our debt is caused by us not the government . Just as we will do what we can the government will do what they can .
    Its us that have been given the spending power and the debt power to climb up the ladder of credit success.
